Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things to do

List of Stuff to do this year in order of importance:

Marry my girl April on May 26th

Go on Honeymoon to ye Old Quebec!

Go to Boston on for Hockey trip with Devon and the Bulldogs

Read entire Wheel of Time Series

Go See:


The Avengers




The Hobbit

Get to level 60 in Castle Empire

Clean Study,Organize study.

Teach Devon How to Juggle

Start writing my book

Get accepted for the Social worker Course at Saint Tomas University.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 2012

February 2012
This is going to be a busy year. First and foremost I am marrying the girl of my dreams, the one that I have been waiting all my life for. She makes me laugh, she challenges me, and she loves me. I love her with all my heart. The date is set for May 26th, a few days after she turns 40 and a few days before I turn 41.  
But before that we have a Boston trip to go to. Yep, another trip to Boston for the Stanley Bulldogs. I don’t know how their coach does it. This time we are going to win this tournament.

Then in June we have Jessie’s Graduation from High school, which is going to be a big family get together.  
On top of all that you have the trivial but fun entertainment. So many movie to see. The Avengers, Batman, Spider-man, Brave, Prometheus, and The Hunger games to name a few. The last book of the Wheel of time series is coming out January 8th of next year, and I intend to read all 13 books leading up to its release. As well, my favorite band TOOL is releasing their next CD sometime this year.