Life sucks. If you think the universe is out to get you, then your right. The Universe was doing just fine doing and being nothing. Then came the Big Bang. Imagine you are driving down the highway on a bright summer's day at dusk. You are on your way home after a glorious weekend camping on the beach. A warm weekend spent with close old friends drinking cold beer, swimming in a refreshing cold ocean, listening to tunes, and doing nothing all. The car is like a cocoon, slightly cool with the air conditioner on, and your favorite music on the radio making you feel perfectly sated. Then you hear a loud BFB as you get a flat tire. You slow down to the side of the road, and now you are pissed off at the world. Existence is the universe's flat tire.
After the Big Bang the universe has been bent on self-annihilation. See the possibility of your existence is kind of annoying. By all rights, all laws of physics, you should not exist. Entropy, or the second law of thermodynamics, states that the natural order of things is towards chaos or destruction. Racking up pool balls is unnatural; hitting the balls all over the table is more natural. Want to really piss the universe off, find away to hit a rack of billiards and have them scatter all over the table, and then come back to rest in a single row three deep . In spite of this, genes, molecules, coalesced to form you, me, everyone, and, between you and me, the universe finds this bloody unnatural. At some point your body will give into entropy. At some point the universe is going to kill you. Live with it. So what's the point of it all?
The point is to live a good life and be a good person. Not in order to get into heaven or some other reward, but because you can be good in spite of everything. . Without getting too anthropomorphic, the universe feels sorry for itself and this seeps into your life. If the universe is in a constant state of misery why should you be happy? You get dumped. Your job sucks. You can't get laid or laid off. You’re pretty sure you've made a perfect ass of yourself today. Whatever. Why should you be content? Why should you be happy? Simple. You should be because you can choose to be happy. Ever see "Cool Hand Luke"? A man refuses to conform to life in a rural prison The big dog in the prison gives the S.O.B. a beating. Instead of proving himself the tougher man, Dragline realizes that no matter how much, how hard, he beats Luke down, Luke keeps stumbling up to his feet, refusing to stay down.
[Dragline has repeatedly knocked Luke down during a boxing match]
Dragline: Stay down. You're beat.
Luke: You're gonna hafta kill me...
[struggles back to his feet]
[struggles back to his feet]
No matter what the universe does to you, just keep getting up. Smile, no matter how bad life gets, never stay down. Another scene had Luke imprisoned in the jail’s outside sweatbox, and talks to god.
Luke: Anybody here? Hey, Old Man. You home tonight? Can You spare a minute. It's about time we had a little talk. I know I'm a pretty evil fellow... killed people in the war and got drunk... and chewed up municipal property and the like. I know I got no call to ask for much... but even so, You've got to admit You ain't dealt me no cards in a long time. It's beginning to look like You got things fixed so I can't never win out. Inside, outside, all of them... rules and regulations and bosses. You made me like I am. Now just where am I supposed to fit in? Old Man, I gotta tell You. I started out pretty strong and fast. But it's beginning to get to me. When does it end? What do You got in mind for me? What do I do now? Right. All right. [Gets on knees, closes eyes and begins to pray] On my knees, asking. [pause] Yeah, that's what I thought. I guess I'm pretty tough to deal with, huh? A hard case. Yeah. I guess I gotta find my own way.
Dragline: Luke?
Luke: [Shakes head and smiles] Is that Your answer, Old Man? I guess You're a hard case, too.
You could be miserable. Why not feel miserable? The Universe seems to want you to feel bad, misery seems to be the natural state of things. Just like the Big bang started expanding existence outwards from the size of a pea under several comfortable mattresses to what we see now, eventually everything will collapse in on itself like a massive black hole. In the end, everything is going to suck. But for now, for right now, your alive and every breath pisses off that miserable son of a verse. Every smile, every good turn done in the face of countless bad turns, is a big middle finger to the universe.
Of course, that is just how I see things.
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