Friday, November 5, 2010

The Potential for Postive outcomes in life.

How does the human brain work?  How would I know?  I know because I like to read a lot about how we work, since I am going to be in this body for the rest of this life.  We live in a world of infinite impossible possibilities.  I will be using Wikipedia to help refresh my memory.  “A neuron (pronounced /ˈnjʊərɒn/ N(Y)OOR-on, also known as a neurone or nerve cell) is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signalling.” That is from Wikipedia and it sounds about right.  So what excites the cells?  The senses are exciting.  Your standing on a beach, you can feel the hot soft sand squishing your toes as you look out at the storm moving towards you off the sea.  You can smell the salt sea air, and the storms negatively charged ions in the air.  Different parts of your brain are responding to all of this, even that exciting fear of the storm.  We use Ions in our brains too, they move from one cell to another depending on how charged they are.   One of the cool things about out brain is that each neuron has an action potential, meaning chance plays a role in weather we do or think something.  If we are scared then the neurons linked together for screaming will quickly flash like blinking Christmas lights.  You drank too much coffee, had watched a scary movie, and have a jerk at work who likes to scare you, and then there is a good chance you will scream.  However, if you have been yelled at for an hour, you are tired, and relaxed then the chance of that same person scaring you is decreased because you do not feel as if you are in any danger.  The neuron cascade will not light up.
                The brain is full of potential for something to happen, but we are the ones who can control the chance of something happening.  We Create our own reality.  Negative thoughts physically decrease our very chances of making positive changes in our lives.   Professional Athletes exercise their brains every day.  Take an exceptionally good tennis player.  Before the match, they practice physically until their multitude of strategic movements happen as quick as they breathe.  The cascades for these connections in the brain are like a trail in the forest that is always being used.  Athletes also mediate on games, going through winning games repeatedly in their heads.  This creates connections that are more positive.  As far as your brain is concerned, there is little difference in the chemical chain reactions between winning a game, meditating about winning a game, or even watching a winning game.  Of course, nobody is perfect, they might lose a set, but they do not dwell on the last shot, they mentally move on to winning the next one.   
                A person who wants to get a better job has to work hard on thinking about getting one.  Sounds like common sense, but you really have to think positive thoughts and increase the chances of the outcome happening.  Dreaming about a better job well watching television is not going to do it.  More on this later.

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